Special star systems - Sol

Nearest Special star systems to Sol up to a maximum distance of 70000.0 Ly.
Note this only works around the bubble area (upto about 1000 Ly from Sol)

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(Optionally, Ly )

  - A permit is required to enter this system.

Civilization Icons

This consist of three icons separated by hyphens representing the human populated control of the system. If it is blank than the system is unpopulated
Otherwise the first Icon is the system allegiance, the second is the security level and the third is the main system economy

Allegiance Icons
- Populated, Federation allegiance
- Populated, Empire allegiance
- Populated, Alliance allegiance
- Populated, Independent allegiance
- Unknown (Megaships or FCs only)

Security Icons
H - System has High security.
M - System has Medium security.
L - System has Low security.
A - System is in Anarchy.

Economy Icons
- High Tech economy
- Industrial economy
- Agricultural economy
- Terraforming economy
- Extraction economy
- Refinery economy
- Military economy
- Service economy
- Tourism economy
- Colony economy
- Prison economy




(Links to Inara)


Allegiance -
Security -

22.5  LAWD 26 - L - Gliese 293 B (Wolf Rayet 0 Ls).
65.9  53 Aquarii - L - Giant Carbon Star.
75.9  LAWD 13 - M - 2 White Dwarves.
122.7  HIP 40977 - M - Giant carbon star.
Within the bubble.
139.3  18 Camelopardalis C (Neutron Star 90535 Ls).
174.0  Jackson's Lighthouse Arrival Star (Neutron Star).
174.1  Beta Sculptoris - M - B (Neutron Star 1662 Ls).
181.8  Rukbat B (Neutron Star 269614 Ls).
189.1  HIP 34707 B (Black Hole 54643 Ls).
195.3  HIP 23692 A (O Star 0 Ls), B (O Star 2983 Ls).
195.7  Lalande 25224 PSR J2144-3933 (Neutron Star 0 Ls).
214.3  c2 Centauri B (Neutron Star 100250 Ls).
224.9  p Puppis B (Black Hole 4676 Ls).
234.0  HIP 57814 B (Neutron Star 17790 Ls).
245.0  HIP 69328 B (Neutron Star 4 Ls), D (Neutron Star 184707 Ls).
245.2  25 Iota Ophiuchi B (Black Hole 37156 Ls).
Near the top of the bubble, about 65 Ly from the nearest inhabited system.
267.4  HIP 27933 B (Neutron Star 15861 Ls).
274.8  HR 490 B (Black Hole 697 Ls), D (Neutron Star 77920 Ls), C (Black Hole 90027 Ls).
275.5  HIP 63835 A (O Star 0 Ls), B (Black Hole 53 Ls), C (Black Hole 677 Ls), D (Black Hole 679 Ls).
A spectacular black hole system not far from the bubble.
276.9  31 Cassiopeiae B (Neutron Star 19763 Ls).
280.9  HIP 89535 Arrival Star (Wolf Rayet).
Also has 2 water worlds.
284.4  98 k Tauri B (Neutron Star 15 Ls).
299.5  BD+28 4211 A (O Star 0 Ls), B (Black Hole 161 Ls), C (Black Hole 1365 Ls).
300.1  13 Andromedae B (Black Hole 8 Ls), C (Neutron Star 10460 Ls).
Not far from the bubble
309.7  Beta Hydrae B (Black Hole 184820 Ls), C (Neutron Star 182403 Ls).
309.8  Gorgonea Secunda C (Neutron Star 8898 Ls).
313.6  40 Upsilon-2 Hydrae B (Black Hole 53 Ls), C (Neutron Star 44359 Ls).
Loads of ringed stars and planets (around 20) in this system. Along with the black hole and neutron star is a B star and an F class star and loads of T stars. An incredible system.
315.4  HIP 40430 A (O Star 0 Ls), B (O Star 136104 Ls).
322.0  53 Sagittarii C (Neutron Star 39505 Ls).
329.5  HIP 109278 C (Neutron Star 7675 Ls).
Near to New Yembo.
335.5  Mu Lupi B (Neutron Star 45200 Ls).
339.4  Dabih Minor D (Black Hole 242590 Ls), C (Black Hole 244819 Ls), B (Black Hole 244813 Ls).
341.5  Beta Muscae B (Black Hole 7647 Ls), C (Neutron Star 7652 Ls).
341.9  Omega Carinae B (Neutron Star 16 Ls), C (Neutron Star 25277 Ls).
Also a whole bunch of other red stars.
345.1  HIP 97394 A (O Star 0 Ls), B (O Star 6525 Ls).
345.1  HIP 41817 B (Neutron Star 59 Ls).
346.3  i Eridani B (Neutron Star 23800 Ls).
351.1  HIP 47296 A (O Star 0 Ls), C (Black Hole 257639 Ls), B (Black Hole 262491 Ls).
A magnificent system according to this link.
352.6  HIP 100289 B (Black Hole 160753 Ls).
353.7  HR 4832 B (Neutron Star 22411 Ls).
355.3  HIP 28711 A (O Star 0 Ls), B (Black Hole 154557 Ls).
359.2  HIP 1924 B (Neutron Star 174419 Ls).
362.4  HIP 98831 B (Black Hole 35088 Ls).
Near to New Yembo
368.1  HR 1185 - M - B (Black Hole 140500 Ls).
371.9  7 Camelopardalis B B (Neutron Star 316118 Ls).
377.1  33 Tau-8 Eridani B (Neutron Star 33186 Ls).
383.3  Maia - H - B (Black Hole 301730 Ls).
385.0  HIP 80462 B (Neutron Star 89598 Ls).
386.7  BD+56 477 B (Neutron Star 133 Ls).
Not far from 17 Draconis.
388.3  32 Cassiopeiae B (Black Hole 155759 Ls).
A splendid system with lots of stellar bodies to scan and a star with a pristine metallic ring. About 90 Ly from Robigo.
390.1  HR 6520 B (Neutron Star 20532 Ls).
391.6  HIP 108127 B (Neutron Star 5110 Ls).
391.6  Algenib C (Black Hole 167172 Ls).
94 Ly from the remote systems surrounding BD+22 4939
392.0  HIP 110119 B (Neutron Star 9790 Ls).
Near to New Yembo.
401.7  HIP 17000 B (Black Hole 7555 Ls).
Near the Pleiades nebula. Only the main star and the black hole, there is nothing else in this system
404.2  17 v Eridani B (Neutron Star 35442 Ls).
406.7  HIP 21813 C (Neutron Star 84782 Ls).
407.5  PSR J1752-2806 Arrival Star (Neutron Star).
409.3  HIP 19218 A (O Star 0 Ls), B (Black Hole 48 Ls), C (O Star 8479 Ls).
414.4  Theta Lupi B (Neutron Star 77677 Ls).
414.9  Delta Centauri B (Black Hole 2287 Ls).
418.1  HIP 66220 D (Neutron Star 310497 Ls).
420.0  BrsO 14 Blue star.
In its own in nebula
420.3  HIP 91911 A (Wolf Rayet 0 Ls).
420.8  Gamma Lupi 1 neutron star.
427.5  Upsilon-1 Centauri 1 neutron star.
428.0  d Lupi B (Black Hole 5422 Ls), C (Black Hole 97173 Ls).
429.2  I Velorum B (Neutron Star 3475 Ls).
429.2  HIP 37017 A (O Star 0 Ls), B (Black Hole 6895 Ls).
432.6  HR 3784 B (Black Hole 315559 Ls).
433.8  69 Sigma Piscium B (Neutron Star 241828 Ls).
437.8  HIP 80063 B (Neutron Star 22177 Ls).
437.8  HIP 21251 B (Black Hole 81521 Ls).
439.0  Nu Pavonis C (Neutron Star 10543 Ls).
440.8  HIP 93836 1 black hole.
441.4  HIP 40047 A (O Star 0 Ls).
442.0  HIP 19478 B (Neutron Star 18 Ls), C (Neutron Star 6721 Ls).
443.2  3 Capricorni B (Neutron Star 16 Ls), C (Neutron Star 10396 Ls).
449.9  25 A2 Serpentis 1 black hole.
Near to Quince (relatively speaking)
449.9  HIP 96115 B (Neutron Star 4257 Ls).
454.9  Chi Carinae B (Neutron Star 2984 Ls).
455.5  11 Sagittae B (Black Hole 285677 Ls).
460.7  Theta Reticuli B (Black Hole 15952 Ls).
462.6  HIP 35804 B (Neutron Star 722 Ls), C (Neutron Star 2632 Ls).
466.6  HR 7029 C (Neutron Star 30578 Ls).
468.0  HIP 18768 B (Neutron Star 11477 Ls).
471.3  9 Omega-1 Scorpii B (Black Hole 4786 Ls).
474.8  HIP 39453 1 neutron star.
476.1  236 G. Carinae B (Neutron Star 265275 Ls).
490.5  5 Kappa Draconis B (Neutron Star 4579 Ls).
491.9  HR 5543 B (Black Hole 17959 Ls).
493.4  Omicron Velorum B (Black Hole 27553 Ls).
494.2  20 Tau Orionis B (Neutron Star 64556 Ls).
494.9  1 b Scorpii B (Neutron Star 5493 Ls).
498.0  Betelgeuse 1 Garguantuan Star.
499.5  HIP 80371 B (Black Hole 283875 Ls).
499.5  Iota Andromedae 1 black hole.
502.6  Zeta Sculptoris B (Neutron Star 10 Ls).
504.1  Epsilon Lupi B (Neutron Star 5095 Ls), C (Black Hole 64272 Ls).
504.9  HIP 25561 B (Black Hole 80879 Ls).

Most of the resources systems here I have found myself by scouring the galactic map.

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