M. Grey's Bounty Hunting Systems - Sol

M. Grey's nearest Bounty Hunting Systems to Sol up to a maximum distance of 70000.0 Ly

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  - A permit is required to enter this system.

Civilization Icons

This consist of three icons separated by hyphens representing the human populated control of the system. If it is blank than the system is unpopulated
Otherwise the first Icon is the system allegiance, the second is the security level and the third is the main system economy

Allegiance Icons
- Populated, Federation allegiance
- Populated, Empire allegiance
- Populated, Alliance allegiance
- Populated, Independent allegiance
- Unknown (Megaships or FCs only)

Security Icons
H - System has High security.
M - System has Medium security.
L - System has Low security.
A - System is in Anarchy.

Economy Icons
- High Tech economy
- Industrial economy
- Agricultural economy
- Terraforming economy
- Extraction economy
- Refinery economy
- Military economy
- Service economy
- Tourism economy
- Colony economy
- Prison economy

RES Icons

The letters and number before the bracketed text show which planet, the bracketed letters denote the RESs within the rings of that planet.
For example "2 (ZHR), 3 (L)" means planet "2" rings have one HaZardous RES, 1 High RES, and 1 (Regular) RES whilst planet "3" rings have just one Low RES.
If there are no brackets then the list of RESs applies for the entire system, which planets have which RESs is unknown for that system.

Z - Resource Extraction Site [Hazardous]
H - Resource Extraction Site [High]
R - Resource Extraction Site
L - Resource Extraction Site [Low]

[Co-orbiting 2, 3] - This denotes a set of co-orbiting planets, in this example the planetary bodies are "2" and "3". Co-orbiting planets are close together so RESs or stations orbiting one planet in the set are close to the others in it as well.



Station Icons
- Planetary station
M - Small/Medium landing pads only
L - All landing pad sizes available
B - Black Market
Rs - Restock
- Repair
RRR - Full Restock/Repair/Refuel
O - Outfitting
- Shipyard
IF - Interstellar Factors
MT(E) - Encoded Material Trader
MT(R) - Raw Material Trader
MT(M) - Manufactured Material Trader
TB(H) - Human Technology Broker
TB(G) - Guardian Technology Broker
CA - CarrierAdministration
CV - CarrierVendor




(Links to Inara)


Allegiance -
Security -

Has CNB HAZ RES Planetary Body (RESs present if known) Notes Restock/Repair Stations
0.0 Sol - H - Jupiter (H), Neptune (LL), Saturn (RRL), Uranus (LL)
Restock stations
Daedalus (, L, 197 Ls, Mercury) [RRR, O, , B]
Ehrlich City (, L, 198 Ls, Mercury) [RRR, O, , B]
Furukawa Enterprise (, L, 199 Ls, Mercury) [RRR, O, , B]
Walz Depot (, L, 216 Ls, Mercury) [RRR, O, , B]
Burnell Station (, M, 363 Ls, Venus) [RRR, O, B]
Galileo (, L, 496 Ls, Moon) [RRR, O, , B]
Abraham Lincoln (, L, 497 Ls, Earth) [RRR, O, , B]
Li Qing Jao (, L, 497 Ls, Earth) [RRR, O, , B]
M.Gorbachev (, L, 497 Ls, Earth) [RRR, O, , B]
Mars High (, L, 831 Ls, Mars) [RRR, O, , B]
Schottky Reformatory (, L, 2708 Ls, Callisto) [RRR, O, , B]
Columbus (, L, 2713 Ls, Io) [RRR, O, , B]
Haberlandt Survey (, L, 2715 Ls, Europa) [RRR, O, B]
Durrance Camp (, L, 2715 Ls, Ganymede) [RRR, O, , B]
Dekker's Yard (, L, 4910 Ls, Iapetus) [RRR, O]
Titan City (, L, 4912 Ls, Titan) [RRR, O, , B]
6.0 Barnard's Star - M - 5 (HH), 6 (ZZZHL)
Restock stations
Levi-Strauss Installation (, M, 7 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, IF, B]
Miller Depot (, L, 37 Ls, Cooke) [RRR, O, , IF, B]
Haller City (, L, 37 Ls, Cooke) [RRR, O, , IF, B]
Kuttner's Pride (, L, 37 Ls, Cooke) [RRR, O, B]
Boston Base (, L, 62 Ls, 5) [RRR, O, , IF, B]
Silves' Claim (, L, 62 Ls, Birmingham World) [RRR, O, B]
7.2 WISE 0855-0714 - L - 5 (HHL), 6 (HRRRR)
Restock stations
Yamazaki Landing (, M, 977 Ls, 6 a) [RRR, O, IF, B]
8.6 Sirius - H - Z H L
Restock stations
Patterson Enterprise (/, L, 952 Ls, Lucifer) [RRR, O, , MT(R)]
Efremov Plant (, L, 5366 Ls, Lucifer) [RRR, O]
O'Brien Vision (/, M, 5383 Ls, Lucifer) [RRR, O, B]
Qwent Research Base (, L, 5387 Ls, Lucifer) [RRR, O]
9.9 Duamta - H - 7 (HHRRLL)
Restock stations
Polyakov Station (, L, 233 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, ]
Evangelisti Observatory (, L, 233 Ls, 1) [RRR]
Barcelo Laboratory (, L, 233 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, B]
McKay Relay (, L, 233 Ls, 1) [RRR]
Amis Installation (, L, 314 Ls, 2 a) [RRR, O, B]
Wang City (, L, 315 Ls, 6) [RRR, O, ]
Stuart Prospect (, L, 315 Ls, 2 a) [RRR, O, B]
Herrington City (, L, 418 Ls, 3) [RRR, O, ]
Walz Base (, L, 418 Ls, 3 a) [RRR, O, , B]
Hurston Arsenal (, L, 418 Ls, 3 a) [RRR, O, ]
Vries Base (, L, 418 Ls, 3 a) [RRR, O]
Davis Terminal (, L, 546 Ls, 4) [RRR, O, ]
Orunmilla (, L, 693 Ls) [RRR, O, B]
Vesalius City (, M, 1285 Ls, 6) [RRR, B]
10.5 WISE 1506+7027 - H - 1 (HHL), 2 (HRL), 3 (ZHR)
Restock stations
Dobrovolskiy Enterprise (/, L, 231 Ls, 1 a) [RRR, O, , TB(H)]
Stafford Penal colony (, L, 243 Ls, 1 C) [RRR, O]
Parise Dock (/, M, 660 Ls, 1 a) []
Borman Port (/, M, 881 Ls, 1 a) [, O]
10.7 Lacaille 9352 - L - 3 (ZZH), 4 (RRL)
Restock stations
Gupta City (/, L, 74 Ls, 6 b) [RRR, O, , IF]
Rasch Hub (, L, 74 Ls, Camp Lawrence) [RRR, O, IF]
Kirtley Platform (/, M, 1381 Ls) [Rs, IF]
12.1 YZ Ceti - H - 10 (ZZHRLL), 11 (ZHRL) Large station Clement orbital orbits planet 10
Restock stations
Tepper Penal colony (, L, 20 Ls, A 3) [RRR, O, IF, B]
Malchiodi Refinery (, L, 396 Ls, A 8 a) [Rs, O, IF, B]
Clement Orbital (/, L, 1231 Ls, A 10) [RRR, O, , IF, MT(E)]
Fuglesang Port (/, M, 1819 Ls, A 11) [Rs, IF]
12.4 Luyten's Star - H - 1 (HL), 2 (ZZRRLLL)
Restock stations
Ashby City (/, L, 298 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, ]
Spirit of Laelaps (, L, 425 Ls, 3 a) [RRR, O, TB(G)]
Nikitin Silo (, L, 706 Ls, 3 b) [RRR, O, B]
Payson Installation (, L, 708 Ls, 3 b) [RRR, O, B]
McNair Gateway (/, M, 1019 Ls, 4) [RRR, O, B]
12.9 Lacaille 8760 - M - 4 (ZZZ), 8 (ZZHRRR)
Restock stations
Serebrov City (/, M, 89 Ls) [RRR, O, B]
Chiao Landing (/, M, 164 Ls, 2) [Rs, O, B]
Reilly Beacon (, L, 164 Ls, 2) [RRR, O, , B]
Morin Prison (, L, 1490 Ls, 7 h) [RRR, O, , B]
13.8 LHS 380 - H - B 5 (HL) B 5 is 82000 from the entry star.
Restock stations
Qureshi Orbital (/, L, 1458 Ls, A 2 d) [RRR, O, , MT(R)]
Ray Enterprise (/, M, 80472 Ls, B 5 f) [, O]
Mastracchio Enterprise (/, M, 81382 Ls, A 2 d) [RRR]
14.0 Toolfa - H - 10 (ZL), 12 (HRR), 13 (RRL), 14 (L)
Restock stations
Crook Hub (/, L, 13 Ls, A 1) [RRR, O, , CA]
Monge Keep (, L, 13 Ls, A 1) [Rs, O]
Cady Hub (/, M, 25 Ls) []
Kelleam Orbital (/, M, 34 Ls) [RRR, O]
Caillie Plant (, L, 45 Ls, A 4) [Rs, O]
Needham Keep (, L, 51767 Ls, B 4 a) [RRR, O]
14.5 G 41-14 - L - Ramon Hub, a Coriolis Starport at 8379 ls, all services.
Restock stations
Ramon Hub (, L, 8227 Ls, BA 1) [RRR, O, , IF]
14.6 TZ Arietis - H - 3 (HL), 5 (ZRLL), 8 (HHL) Large Hi-Tech coriolis station 'Snyder Enterprise' orbits planet 3.
Restock stations
Snyder Enterprise (/, L, 831 Ls, 3) [RRR, O, , CA]
Santos Depot (, L, 1180 Ls, 5 B) [RRR, O, , B]
Godwin Prospect (, L, 1183 Ls, 5 D) [Rs, O, B]
Puleston Horizons (, L, 1193 Ls, 5 C) [RRR, O]
Jernigan Arsenal (, L, 1193 Ls, 5 f) [RRR, ]
Pashin Prospect (, L, 1219 Ls, 5 f) [RRR, O]
Meaney Camp (, L, 1220 Ls, 5 f) [RRR, O, B]
McDaniel Landing (, L, 1997 Ls, 6 A) [Rs, O]
14.8 LHS 450 - M - AB 1 (R), AB 3A (L)
Restock stations
Wilson Relay (/, L, 57 Ls, Darke's Claim) [RRR, O, ]
McKay Prospect (, L, 57 Ls, Darke's Claim) [RRR, O]
Darboux Legacy (, L, 57 Ls, Darke's Claim) [RRR, O, ]
Stevenson Relay (/, L, 127 Ls, Camp Schmidt) [RRR, O, ]
14.8 LHS 449 - L - 9 (ZZZRL)
Restock stations
Fisher Point (, L, 33 Ls, Charles's Mine) [RRR, O, IF, B]
Perry Station (/, L, 88 Ls, Gold) [RRR, O, , IF, B]
Wandrei Prospect (, L, 88 Ls, Gold) [RRR, O, IF, B]
15.0 Luyten 145-141 - M - AB 1 (RR)
Restock stations
Kerr Survey (, L, 4216 Ls, AB 1 c) [RRR, O, B]
Euclid Station (/, L, 4302 Ls, AB 1 f) [RRR, O, , B]
15.3 Ross 780 - H - 5 (ZH), 7 (ZZHRR)
Restock stations
Aristotle Gateway (/, L, 106 Ls, Wireworld) [RRR, O, , CA]
Fossum Terminal (/, M, 1759 Ls, 4) []
Patsayev Penal colony (, L, 2300 Ls, 7 c) [RRR, O]
Acton Ring (/, M, 2310 Ls) []
15.5 IL Aquarii - H - 5 (ZHL), 6 (ZZH)
Restock stations
Patsayev Station (/, L, 1907 Ls, 5 f) [RRR, O, , B]
Gagnan Terminal (/, M, 2488 Ls, 6) [, B]
Kinsey Enterprise (/, M, 11874 Ls) [RRR, O, B]
15.8 Kokary - H - 4 (HL), 5 (HRL), 6 (HR), 7 (ZH)
Restock stations
Gidzenko Terminal (/, L, 52 Ls, 4) [RRR, O, , B, CA]
Foda's Inheritance (, L, 52 Ls, 2) [RRR, O]
Faraday Enterprise (/, L, 96 Ls, 3) [RRR, O, , B]
Treshchov Point (, L, 96 Ls, 3) [RRR, O]
Cori Gateway (/, M, 1761 Ls) [RRR]
15.9 Groombridge 1618 - H - A 6 (Z)
Restock stations
Gernsback Terminal (, L, 26 Ls, A 1) [RRR, O, ]
Mouhot Prospect (, L, 26 Ls, A 1) [RRR, O]
George's Pride (, L, 26 Ls, A 1) [RRR, O, , B]
Cady Market (, L, 169 Ls, A 2) [RRR, O, , B]
Martinez Market (, M, 170 Ls) []
Franklin Ring (, L, 932 Ls) [RRR, O, ]
Quimper Lab (, L, 23940 Ls, B 4) [RRR, O, B]
Phillifent Relay (, L, 24159 Ls, B 1) [RRR, O, B]
Sagan Stop (, L, 24188 Ls, B 6) [RRR, O, ]
Strzelecki Silo (, L, 24199 Ls, B 6) [RRR, O]
Szilard Arsenal (, L, 24400 Ls, B 3) [RRR, O, B]
15.9 Avik - L - Only one Outpost, no repair.
Restock stations
Bruce Prospect (/, M, 2094 Ls, B 1) [Rs, O, IF, B]
16.3 Omicron-2 Eridani - M - C6 (HHHRLL)
Restock stations
Polansky Barracks (, L, 106 Ls, Steven's Rock) [RRR, O]
Hodgkinson Station (/, M, 225675 Ls) [RRR, O, B]
Reed City (/, M, 225676 Ls) [, B]
16.6 Gendalla - M -
Restock stations
Clervoy City (/, L, 92 Ls, ABC 1 b) [RRR, O, ]
Back Holdings (, L, 92 Ls, A 4) [RRR, O, B]
Ivins City (/, M, 196 Ls) []
Aksyonov Installation (, L, 196 Ls, A 5 a) [RRR, O, ]
Garay Port (/, M, 293 Ls) [RRR, O, IF]
17.5 G 99-49 - L - 2 (ZZZHHHRL)
Restock stations
Willis Landing (/, M, 1238 Ls, 4 d) [, IF]
Carlisle Vision (, L, 1693 Ls, 4 d) [RRR, O, IF]
Noguchi Arsenal (, L, 1694 Ls, 4 d) [RRR, O, , IF]
Linnaeus Station (/, L, 14805 Ls, 5) [RRR, O, , IF]
18.5 Wolf 1453 - H - AB 2 (HL)
Restock stations
Akers Gateway (, L, 2050 Ls) [RRR, O, ]
Byrd City (, L, 2109 Ls, B 2) [RRR, O, ]
Wagner Station (, L, 2124 Ls, B 5) [RRR, O, ]
Cartier City (, L, 2125 Ls, B 1) [RRR, O, ]
Godel Terminal (, M, 2150 Ls) []
Lerman Dock (, M, 4956 Ls) [RRR]
18.6 Luyten 347-14 - L - ZZZ HH RRRRRRR LLLLL
Restock stations
Gerrold Prospect (, L, 39 Ls, Rance's Wreck) [RRR, O, , IF, B]
Mendel Palace (, L, 39 Ls, Rance's Wreck) [RRR, O, , IF, B]
19.0 Luyten 205-128 - M - 3 (RRL), 4 (RR)
Restock stations
H. G. Wells Hub (/, L, 32 Ls, Kawasakiworld) [RRR, O, , B]
Kotzebue Works (, L, 32 Ls, Kawasakiworld) [RRR, O, B]
Robins High (/, L, 75 Ls, 3) [RRR, O, , B]
Shuttleworth Holdings (, L, 75 Ls, Schmidt's Mine) [RRR, O, B]
19.0 Ross 47 - L - A 8 (HL)
Restock stations
Volynov Hub (, M, 1715 Ls, A 8) [, IF]
Molina Platform (, M, 48451 Ls, B 7) [RRR, IF, B]
Gidzenko Prospect (, L, 49360 Ls, B 5 a) [RRR, O, IF]
Amis Arena (, L, 49860 Ls, B 4) [RRR, IF]
19.1 Bhritzameno - H - 2 (RRLLLL) Large Hi Tech station Feynman Terminal orbits planet 2.
Restock stations
Giles Keep (, L, 1356 Ls, 2 a) [Rs, O, B]
Froude Camp (, L, 1356 Ls, 2 a) [Rs, O, B]
Feynman Terminal (/, L, 1362 Ls, 2 a) [RRR, O, , MT(E), TB(G), B]
Dalton City (/, M, 1931 Ls, 4) [Rs, B]
19.3 36 Ophiuchi - M - C 8 (Z), C 9 (ZZZ), C 10 (ZHHHR), C 11 (HR) All the RESs are over 1 hour away (4000000+ Ls) from the entry star
Restock stations
Yolen Works (, L, 593 Ls, B 5) [RRR, O, B]
Watts Stop (, L, 36167 Ls, A 1 a) [RRR, O, B]
Weinbaum City (, M, 4217158 Ls, C 2) [RRR, B]
Laval Landing (, L, 4217188 Ls, C 4) [RRR, O, B]
Lunan Holdings (, M, 4217202 Ls, C 1) [RRR, B]
Katzenstein Dock (, L, 4217297 Ls, C 3) [RRR, O, , B]
19.4 YZ Canis Minoris - L -
Restock stations
Ray Freeport (/, M, 9709 Ls, 8) [Rs, O, IF]
19.5 BR Piscium - M - 1 (ZHR), 3 (ZR), 4 (ZR), 7 (ZH), 8 (ZHR), 9 (HH), 10 (ZZHHR)
Restock stations
Trevithick Orbital (/, M, 225 Ls, 1) [, B]
Cabrera Point (/, M, 421 Ls, 4) [RRR, O]
19.7 82 Eridani - H - ZZZZZ H RRR LL
Restock stations
Bresnik Port (/, L, 95 Ls, Rhatigan) [RRR, O, , MT(M), B]
Godwin Vision (, L, 95 Ls, Rhatigan) [RRR, O, B]
Petaja Depot (, L, 95 Ls, Rhatigan) [RRR, O, B]
Hackworth Settlement (/, M, 102 Ls, Ifreds Harbour) []
Roosa Dock (/, M, 175 Ls, Teekay 100705) [RRR]
19.7 Wolf 1481 - H - 1 (ZH), 3 (Z), 4 (ZHHL), 6 (ZHHHL), 7 (ZHR)
Restock stations
Velazquez Gateway (/, L, 627 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, , B]
Seddon Station (/, M, 1654 Ls) []
Jones Orbital (/, M, 2878 Ls) []
Levinson Arsenal (, L, 2966 Ls, 6 d) [RRR, O]
20.1 G 89-32 - L - 4 (HRL)
Restock stations
Conrad Holdings (, M, 1807 Ls, 3) [RRR, O, IF]
Hopper Vision (, M, 2357 Ls, 4) [RRR, O, IF]
20.1 Struve 1321 - H - A 5 (R)
Restock stations
Emshwiller Enterprise (, L, 43826 Ls, A 3) [RRR, O]
Thiele Station (/, M, 43831 Ls, A 2) [RRR, B]
Apt Station (/, L, 43836 Ls, A 1) [RRR, O, , MT(M), B]
Leslie Town (, L, 43837 Ls, A 1) [RRR, O]
Levi-Strauss City (/, M, 43845 Ls, A 3) [, B]
20.2 LHS 3531 - H - 3 (ZZZZH)
Restock stations
Mining Station 1 (/, L, 208 Ls, -I) [RRR, O, ]
Jones Landing (, L, 267 Ls, -I) [RRR, O]
20.2 Wolf 562 - H - Z HHH RR L
Restock stations
Nagel Enterprise (/, M, 21 Ls) [, B]
Hopkins Port (/, L, 35 Ls, Kenneos) [RRR, O, , B, CA]
Harrison Installation (, L, 38 Ls, Kenneos) [Rs, O]
Berners-Lee Terminal (/, L, 85 Ls, Laila's Memory) [RRR, O, , B]
King's Inheritance (, L, 128 Ls, Laila's Memory) [RRR, O, , B]
Faris Gateway (/, M, 3199 Ls, 6 e) [, B]
Restock stations
Horowitz Hub (/, L, 392 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, , MT(M)]
20.6 Saktsak - H - AB 2 (RL), AB 3 (RR), AB 4 (ZZHL), AB 5 (ZZ)
Restock stations
Janifer Silo (, L, 2160 Ls, AB 1 d) [RRR, O, B]
Bursch Enterprise (/, L, 2235 Ls, AB 2) [RRR, O, , MT(E), TB(G), B]
Lind Lab (, L, 2954 Ls, AB 3 e) [Rs, O, B]
Stephenson Hub (/, M, 2958 Ls, AB 3) []
Tarelkin Orbital (/, M, 4015 Ls, AB 5) []
21.4 LHS 71 - H - A 2 (RR), A 4 (ZLLL), A 5 (HLLL)
Restock stations
Krylov Keep (, L, 2089 Ls, A 2 d) [RRR, O, B]
Tayler Bastion (, L, 2107 Ls, A 2 a) [RRR, O, B]
Jun Hub (/, L, 2109 Ls, A 2 d) [RRR, O, , B]
Frick Port (/, M, 2747 Ls) [, B]
Goeschke Dock (/, M, 4012 Ls) [Rs, O, B]
21.7 Ross 104 - H - ABC 1 (HRL), ABC 2 (Z), ABC 3 (R), ABC 4 (RLL), ABC 5 (ZZHR), ABC 6 (RR), ABC 7 (ZHH), DE 4 (RLLL)
Restock stations
Bunch City (/, L, 11 Ls, A 1) [RRR, O, , B, CA]
Creighton Landing (, L, 12 Ls, A 1) [RRR, O]
Shiner Port (/, M, 16 Ls) [RRR, O, B]
Penn Ring (/, M, 22 Ls) [, B]
Allen Silo (, L, 1412 Ls, ABC 5 d) [RRR, O]
21.9 Carener - H - AB 1 (ZHL)
Restock stations
Butz Port (/, L, 3642 Ls, AB 1 b) [RRR, O, , MT(E), TB(G)]
Bates Horizons (, L, 3666 Ls, AB 1 i) [RRR, O]
21.9 Ross 775 - H - ABCD 2 (ZHHHL), ABCD 3 (ZR), ABCD 4 (H) Large station Gamow Gateway is orbiting ABCD 2. Planets 2 and 3 are co-orbiting.
Restock stations
Harvey Port (/, M, 6 Ls, A 1) [Rs]
Aikin Landing (, L, 486 Ls, CD 5) [Rs, O, B]
Ivanchenkov Enterprise (/, M, 508 Ls, CD 1) [Rs, B]
Humphreys Survey (, L, 1342 Ls, ABCD 1 c) [Rs, O]
Tito Silo (, L, 1342 Ls, ABCD 1 e) [Rs, O]
Gamow Gateway (/, L, 2269 Ls, ABCD 2) [RRR, O, , CA]
21.9 Wolf 629 - L - Z HH L
Restock stations
Gillekens Refinery (, M, 644 Ls, 2) [, IF, B]
Grunsfeld Plant (, M, 816 Ls, 3) [, IF, B]
22.2 LHS 3836 - H - A 1 (RR), A 2 (ZRR), A 4 (RL), A 5 (ZRL), B 1 (ZHR), B 2 (Z), B 3 (R), B 5 (Z), B 7 (HH), B 8 (HLL)
Restock stations
Gell-Mann Station (/, L, 275 Ls, A 1) [RRR, O, , MT(M)]
Khrenov Relay (, L, 282 Ls, A 1 b) [RRR, O]
Olsen Bastion (, L, 455 Ls, A 2 b) [RRR, O]
Faraday Settlement (/, M, 456 Ls, A 2) [Rs, O, B]
Wakata City (/, M, 662 Ls) [, B]
22.2 Midgcut - M -
Restock stations
Metcalf Dock (/, M, 4877 Ls) [, B]
Piserchia Beacon (, L, 4888 Ls, D 1) [RRR, O, B]
22.5 LAWD 26 - L - A 1 (RL)
Restock stations
Stone's Legacy (, L, 12107 Ls, B 1) [RRR, O, IF]
23.0 Ross 446 - L - Z H RR LL
Restock stations
Song Plant (, M, 716 Ls, 1) [, IF]
Ingstad Installation (, L, 2327 Ls, 4 b) [RRR, O, IF]
23.2 WISE J000517 - L - Hudson Exploited. Nearest dock 8929ls. Unable to scoop fuel from star.
Restock stations
Hackworth Refinery (, M, 9454 Ls, 9) [Rs, O, IF, B]
23.4 PSPF-LF 2 - M - 1 (HR), 2 (ZHL), 3 (H), 4 (L)
Restock stations
Geston Port (, L, 1280 Ls, 2) [RRR, O, , B]
Leningrad Orbital (, L, 1286 Ls, 2) [RRR, B]
Salgari Depot (, L, 1324 Ls, 1 a) [RRR, O, B]
Boming Silo (, L, 1784 Ls, 3 a) [RRR, O, B]
Norton Dock (, M, 2334 Ls, 4) [RRR, B]
24.3 G 203-47 - M - ZZZZ HH RRRR LL
Restock stations
Thorne Market (, L, 12 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, ]
Cabana Market (, L, 13 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, ]
Ride Gateway (, L, 21 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, ]
Siemens Camp (, L, 1599 Ls, 6 b) [RRR, O, ]
Gantt Arsenal (, L, 1599 Ls, 6 a) [RRR, O, ]
Akers Enterprise (, L, 1600 Ls, 6 a) [RRR, O, ]
24.3 Beta Hydri - H - 7 (ZZHR)
Restock stations
Edmondson High (, L, 245 Ls, Camp Shepard) [RRR, O, ]
Rashid Vision (, L, 245 Ls, Camp Shepard) [RRR, O, , B]
Matteucci Enterprise (, L, 447 Ls, Camp Shepard) [RRR, O, ]
Lenoir Port (, L, 447 Ls, Jordan's Legacy) [RRR, O, B]
Stevenson Base (, L, 943 Ls, 7 a) [RRR, O, , B]
Black Mausoleum (, L, 4336 Ls, Homeland) [RRR, O, , B]
24.3 Wolf 25 - M - 4 (HHL), 5 (H)
Restock stations
Clement Vista (, L, 329 Ls, Pagon) [RRR, O]
Minne Orbital (, L, 332 Ls, 4 b a) [RRR, O, , B]
Bonkers (, L, 333 Ls, 4 c) [RRR, O, , B]
Anning Base (, L, 709 Ls, 2 a) [RRR, O, , B]
24.5 Narenses - M - 4 (ZHL), 5 (ZHHH)
Restock stations
Warden's Oath (, L, 2588 Ls, 4) [RRR]
Yang Orbital (/, L, 2589 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, , B]
24.9 Ross 490 - M - ZZ HHHH RRRRR LLLLL
Restock stations
Dunyach Enterprise (/, L, 582 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, , MT(E), TB(G)]
Citi Dock (/, M, 592 Ls) [, O]
Griffiths Dock (/, M, 855 Ls) []
25.0 Vega - H - 2 (ZR)
Restock stations
Taylor City (, L, 1083 Ls, Popov Reward) [RRR, O, , B]
Locke Terminal (, L, 1083 Ls, Popov Reward) [RRR, O, , B]
Budrys Terminal (, L, 1083 Ls, Popov Reward) [RRR, O, ]
Yu Relay (, L, 1792 Ls, 2 E) [RRR, O]
Mori Terminal (, L, 3745 Ls, Trikora) [RRR, O, , B]
Tarelkin Keep (, L, 3751 Ls, Trikora) [RRR, O, B]
Fort Dixon (, L, 3752 Ls, Tracy's Havan) [RRR, O, , B]
Mendez Horizons (, L, 3753 Ls, Trikora) [RRR, O]
25.1 Wolf 718 - M - ZZZ L
Restock stations
Filipchenko Dock (/, M, 16 Ls, 3) [, B]
Song Refinery (/, M, 27 Ls, 5) [RRR, O, B]
White Station (/, L, 27 Ls, 4) [RRR, O, , B]
Bloch Plant (, L, 27 Ls, 4) [RRR, O, B]
Lounge Barracks (, L, 3042 Ls, 13 d) [RRR, O, , B]
25.2 Sameni - M - 2 (ZHRLL)
Restock stations
Webb Bastion (, L, 1319 Ls, 2 b) [RRR, O, B]
Tarelkin Landing (/, M, 1332 Ls) [RRR, B]
25.4 LHS 340 - L -
Restock stations
Khan Holdings (/, M, 10617 Ls, 8) [RRR, O, IF, B]
25.5 LAWD 96 - M - 2 (ZZHHH), 3 (HR)
Restock stations
Wiener Prospect (/, M, 909 Ls) [Rs, O]
Pythagoras Vision (, L, 1425 Ls, 2 h) [RRR, O, B]
Landsteiner Relay (, L, 1434 Ls, 2 i) [RRR, O, B]
Holden Dock (/, L, 3551 Ls, 4) [RRR, O, , B]
25.5 Sosolingati - M - 5 (HHHR), 8 (HL), 9 (HHR), 10 (HHL)
Restock stations
Dana Hub (/, M, 1831 Ls, 6) [RRR]
Curbeam Observatory (, L, 1872 Ls, 5 c) [RRR, O]
Cori Depot (, L, 1878 Ls, 5 c) [RRR, O]
Murray Refinery (/, L, 2714 Ls, 7) [RRR, O, ]
Vlamingh Oasis (, L, 3471 Ls, 9 e) [RRR, O]
Quimby Horizons (, L, 3492 Ls, 9 d) [RRR, O]
25.6 Coriccha - H - ZZZZ HHHH RRRRRR
Restock stations
Schirra Dock (, L, 385 Ls, 3) [RRR, O, ]
Beckman Station (, L, 520 Ls, 5) [RRR, O, ]
Rushd City (, L, 521 Ls, 4) [RRR, O, ]
Mendeleev Gateway (, L, 697 Ls, 6) [RRR, O, ]
Gurney Orbital (, M, 1480 Ls, 7) []
Tanner City (, M, 3314 Ls, 8) []
26.3 LHS 417 - L - 2 (ZRL), 4 (HH), 5 (ZZH), 6 (ZZ), 8 (RRL)
Restock stations
Gernhardt Camp (, L, 406 Ls, NANNAN) [RRR, O, , IF, B]
Bohm Palace (, L, 407 Ls, NANNAN) [RRR, O, , IF, B]
26.3 NLTT 55164 - M - 1 (ZZ), 2 (ZRL), 5 (ZZHRL)
Restock stations
Caryanda Point (, L, 643 Ls, 1 d) [RRR, O, B]
Birmingham Vista (, L, 645 Ls, 1 g) [RRR, O, B]
Kafka Installation (/, M, 886 Ls, 2) [RRR, B]
Martinez Depot (/, M, 2179 Ls) [RRR, O, B]
26.3 Tabit - H - 6 (ZZ)
Restock stations
Haber City (/, L, 1842 Ls, 3) [RRR, O, , MT(M)]
Bridger Installation (, L, 1864 Ls, 2 C) [RRR, O]
Garfinkle Hub (, L, 1867 Ls, 2 B) [RRR, O]
Pinto Hub (/, M, 4673 Ls) []
26.5 LHS 263 - H - 7 (ZHR), 8 (R) [Co-orbiting: 7, 8]
Restock stations
Laval Hub (/, L, 138 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, ]
Pausch Enterprise (/, M, 179 Ls) [Rs, O, B]
Wilcutt Orbital (/, M, 179 Ls) [RRR]
26.5 RR Caeli - M - 1 (ZRL), 4 (H), 5 (ZL)
Restock stations
Hooke City (/, M, 732 Ls, A 1) []
Herreshoff Installation (, L, 1169 Ls, A 2 b) [RRR, O]
Rennie City (/, M, 1174 Ls, A 2 b) [RRR, O]
26.5 LHS 4003 - L - 1 (HL), 2 (ZHH), 3 (ZHL) [Co-orbiting: 2, 3]
Restock stations
Antonio de Andrade Station (, M, 1850 Ls, 1 a) [, IF, B]
Womack Holdings (, L, 2574 Ls, 3 d) [RRR, O, IF, B]
26.5 FN Virginis - M - A 1 (HL), A 2 (ZRR), A 3 (HRLL), B 5 (HLL) [Co-orbiting: A1, A2] [Outpost: Cantor Installation, A2] [Distance: B*, 170000 Ls]
Restock stations
Cantor Installation (/, M, 470 Ls, A 1 a) [RRR, O, B]
Jacobi Landing (/, M, 473 Ls, A 1 a) [Rs, O]
Lorrah Barracks (, L, 490 Ls, A 1 a) [RRR, O]
26.6 LP 336-6 - M - A 1 (ZZHLL), A 2 (ZHL), A 3 (ZRL), A 4 (ZL), A 6 (ZL)
Restock stations
Lu Installation (/, L, 272 Ls, A 1 a) [RRR, O, , B]
Crown Relay (, L, 278 Ls, A 2 a) [RRR, O]
Nusslein-Volhard Installation (/, M, 357 Ls) []
26.7 Arangorii - H - A2 (HR), B11 (HHRL), B12 (R)
Restock stations
Zhen Hub (, M, 3098 Ls, A 2 e) [Rs, O]
Watt Enterprise (, L, 448770 Ls, B 1) [RRR, O, , CA]
Ziljak Colony (, L, 448801 Ls, B 1) [RRR, O, B]
Houtman Exchange (, L, 448826 Ls, B 1) [RRR, O, B]
Kaku Terminal (, L, 448869 Ls) [RRR, O, ]
Shonin Station (, L, 448932 Ls, B 3) [RRR, O, ]
Maudslay Dock (, L, 449003 Ls, B 5 a) [RRR, O, , B]
Leibniz Orbital (, M, 450013 Ls) [, B]
26.7 Minmar - M - 10 (RL), 11 (ZR)
Restock stations
Bayliss Landing (/, M, 8 Ls) [Rs, O]
Ferguson Landing (/, M, 14 Ls, 4) [RRR, O]
Ricci Bastion (, L, 1057 Ls, 8 a) [RRR, O]
Kandel Hub (, L, 1455 Ls, 10 f) [RRR, O, B]
26.9 Ross 318 - M - 1 (LL), 3 (ZZHL), 4 (H)
Restock stations
Herreshoff's Pride (/, M, 1219 Ls) [RRR, B]
Noon Escape (/, M, 1545 Ls) [, B]
27.1 86 Mu Herculis - M - 1 (ZR)
Restock stations
Scheutz Hub (/, M, 144 Ls, A 4) [, B]
Gauss Platform (/, M, 179 Ls, A 5) [, O, B]
Cole Oasis (, L, 179 Ls, A 5) [RRR, O]
Kanwar Orbital (/, M, 260 Ls, A 6) []
Carson's Progress (, L, 1557 Ls, B 8) [RRR, O, B]
27.3 Wolf 437 - L - 1 (ZHHL), 2 (ZH), 3 (LL)
Restock stations
Bunsen Platform (, M, 2066 Ls) [Rs, O, IF]
Virts Survey (, L, 3336 Ls, 3 a) [RRR, O, IF]
27.6 Bugas - H - AB 1 (ZRLL), AB 3 (ZRR)
Restock stations
Marlowe Orbital (, L, 15 Ls, A 3) [RRR, O, , B]
Lander Vision (, L, 15 Ls, A 1) [RRR, O, B]
Fawcett Landing (, L, 15 Ls, A 1) [RRR, O, B]
Oliver Ring (, L, 38 Ls, AB 1 e) [RRR, O, , B]
Wilhelm Terminal (, L, 52 Ls, B 2) [RRR, O, , B]
Hornblower Legacy (, L, 52 Ls, A 3) [RRR, B]
Oliver Dock (, M, 63 Ls) [, B]
Friend Terminal (, L, 92 Ls, B 4) [RRR, O, , B]
Belyanin Hub (, M, 1578 Ls) [RRR, B]
Malchiodi Dock (, M, 1581 Ls, B 4) [RRR, IF, B]
Ledyard Enterprise (, L, 1586 Ls, B 2) [RRR, O, B]
Disch Station (, M, 1596 Ls) [, B]
Burstein Terminal (, M, 1598 Ls) [, B]
27.8 Ross 730 - M - A 4 (HL)
Restock stations
Pavlov Settlement (/, M, 6 Ls) [Rs, O]
Chadwick Prospect (, L, 6 Ls, A 1) [RRR, O, ]
Drebbel City (/, M, 10 Ls) []
27.8 Baxbakaeris - H - 7 (Z)
Restock stations
Stillman Station (/, L, 76 Ls, 3) [RRR, O, , CA]
Yurchikhin Hub (, L, 76 Ls, 3) [RRR, O, ]
Burkin Hub (/, M, 1391 Ls) []
Beaumont Installation (, L, 1436 Ls, 4 g) [RRR, O]
Nansen Enterprise (/, M, 2006 Ls, 6) []
27.9 61 Virginis - M - 4 (RRRL), 5 (RRL), 6 (ZH)
Restock stations
Furukawa Port (/, L, 96 Ls, 2) [RRR, O, , B]
Margulis Depot (, L, 105 Ls, 2) [RRR, O, , B]
Crown Colony (/, M, 155 Ls, 3) [RRR, B]
Shepard Arsenal (, L, 2521 Ls, 6 a) [RRR, O, , B]
27.9 LHS 2065 - L - A 1 (R), A 2 (ZL), A 3 (HHL)
Restock stations
Gubarev Vision (, M, 3271 Ls) [, IF]
28.0 Zeta Tucanae - M - 9 (ZZZZHH)
Restock stations
Noon Survey (, L, 288 Ls, Furths) [RRR, O]
Velidhu Dream (, L, 290 Ls, Furths) [RRR, O, ]
Elswick (, L, 694 Ls, Darwyn) [RRR, O, ]
28.1 LHS 531 - M - 5 (HHRL), C 3 (ZHR) [Distance: C*, 400000 Ls]
Restock stations
Nelson Terminal (, L, 146 Ls) [RRR, O, , B]
Gromov Survey (, L, 399274 Ls, C 1 a) [Rs, O, B]
O'Leary Observatory (, L, 399313 Ls, C 1 a) [Rs, O, B]
28.1 LHS 1963 - M - 1 (ZHH), 3 (ZHHL), 4 C (Z)
Restock stations
Hardy Hub (/, M, 9 Ls, 2) []
Arnarson Horizons (/, M, 2119 Ls, 1) []
Bunch Hub (, L, 3070 Ls, 4 B) [Rs, O]
28.4 LHS 2887 - L - 4 (ZL), 5 (ZR)
Restock stations
Massimino Dock (, L, 672 Ls, Tambo) [RRR, O, , IF, B]
Ochoa Installation (, L, 672 Ls, Tambo) [RRR, O, , IF, B]
Musabayev Enterprise (, L, 672 Ls, Tambo) [RRR, O, IF, B]
28.4 FK Aquarii - H - ABCD 1 (HHRRR), ABCD 3 (R) Although is is a multi-star system, none of the stars or planets are a long way from the entry star
Restock stations
Anders Hub (/, M, 671 Ls, D 3) [, B]
Hurley City (/, L, 724 Ls, D 1) [RRR, O, , TB(H)]
Bowersox Station (/, M, 729 Ls, D 1) []
Butz Installation (, L, 751 Ls, D 2) [RRR, O, B]
Serrao Hub (, L, 753 Ls, D 1) [RRR, O]
28.4 LHS 200 - H - 1 (HRLL)
Restock stations
Fuca Point (, L, 482 Ls, Al’Ameira Dua) [RRR, O]
Tsunenaga Port (/, L, 654 Ls, 2 f) [RRR, O, , MT(M)]
Herodotus Penal colony (, L, 893 Ls, 3 D) [RRR, O]
28.4 LHS 1875 - H - A 1 (ZRL), A 2 (ZRL), A 3 (ZHH), A 4 (H), B 2 (H), B 4 (HRR), B 5 (ZZH) [Large space station: Sylvester Dock, A1] [Co-orbiting: A2, A3] [Distance: B*, 271000 Ls]
Restock stations
Sylvester Dock (/, L, 907 Ls, A 1 c) [RRR, O, ]
Malaspina Station (/, M, 1335 Ls) [RRR]
Cunningham Silo (, L, 270564 Ls, B 1 a) [RRR, O]
Grzimek Hub (/, M, 270623 Ls, B 1) []
Kozeyev Landing (, L, 271230 Ls, B 2 a) [RRR, O]
28.4 CPD-28 332 - H - ABC 1 (LL), ABC 2 (ZL)
Restock stations
Lebedev Hub (/, M, 1659 Ls) [Rs]
Hopkins Station (/, L, 1668 Ls, ABC 1 f) [RRR, O, , CA]
Willis Prospect (, L, 1670 Ls, B 2) [Rs, O]
Winne Gateway (/, M, 1687 Ls) [Rs]
28.6 CU Cancri - L -
Restock stations
Lucid Base (, L, 5774 Ls, A 1) [RRR, O, IF]
Harvey Platform (, M, 5775 Ls) [, O, IF]
28.7 WISE 1800+0134 - M - 7 (H), 8 (L)
Restock stations
Underwood Dock (/, L, 4 Ls) [RRR, O, , MT(M)]
Hopkins' Inheritance (, L, 4 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, ]
Alexandrov Settlement (, L, 4 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, B]
Makarov Silo (, L, 470 Ls, 6 a) [RRR, O, B]
Manarov Terminal (/, M, 897 Ls) []
28.8 Ross 41 - L - AB 5 (R)
Restock stations
Ham Dock (, M, 1250 Ls, AB 4) [, IF]
Joule Relay (, M, 1826 Ls, AB 5) [Rs, O, IF]
Laird Survey (, L, 3128 Ls, AB 7 g) [RRR, O, IF]
28.8 Ross 695 - H - 3 (RL)
Restock stations
Bresnik Orbital (/, L, 1142 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, , MT(E), TB(G)]
Brunner Observatory (, L, 1713 Ls, 2 d) [Rs, O]
Palmer Silo (, L, 1716 Ls, 2 c) [RRR, O]
Feoktistov Orbital (/, M, 1721 Ls, 2) []
Hawley Hub (/, M, 1741 Ls, 3) []
28.9 Kushen - H - 10 (ZZRLL), 11 (ZZR)
Restock stations
Blalock Terminal (/, L, 6 Ls, 4) [RRR, O, ]
Balmer Landing (, L, 6 Ls, 1) [RRR, O]
Malaspina Installation (, L, 16 Ls, 4) [RRR, O]
Valdes Penal colony (, L, 16 Ls, 3) [RRR, O]
28.9 LHS 2429 - H - 3 (ZZRLL), 4 (ZHRRL)
Restock stations
Sucharitkul Settlement (, L, 27 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, , B]
Goeppert-Mayer Depot (, L, 27 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, B]
Acaba Dock (/, L, 31 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, , MT(M), B]
Marshall's Claim (, L, 477 Ls, 2 d) [RRR, O, B]
Bakewell Station (/, M, 689 Ls) [, B]
Antonelli City (/, M, 1237 Ls) [, B]
29.0 Xi Ursae Majoris - H - A 3 (ZH), AB 2 (ZHRLL), AB 3 (L)
Restock stations
Patrick Terminal (, L, 3311 Ls, AB 1 a) [RRR, O, B]
Durrance Dock (/, L, 3320 Ls, AB 3 e) [RRR, O, , CA]
29.1 V374 Pegasi - M - A 3 (LL), A 4 (RR)
Restock stations
MacKellar Hub (/, L, 7 Ls, B 7 a) [RRR, O, , MT(R)]
Creamer Ring (/, M, 3014 Ls, A 3 i) []
Dorsett Dock (/, M, 5582 Ls) []
Debye Installation (, L, 150543 Ls, B 7 a) [RRR, O, ]
29.1 5 G. Capricorni - H - 2 (HHL), 5 (ZHR), 7 (HRRL)
Restock stations
Mastracchio Orbital (/, L, 152 Ls, 3) [RRR, O, , B]
Moore Beacon (, L, 183 Ls, 3) [RRR, O, B]
Euclid Dock (/, M, 405 Ls, 4) [RRR, B]
Deere Dock (/, M, 1335 Ls, 5) [, B]
Ciferri Depot (, L, 2450 Ls, 7 e) [RRR, O, B]
29.1 LP 734-32 - L - 1 (HRL), 2 (ZRR) Planets 1 and 2 are co-orbiting.
Restock stations
Franklin Ring (, L, 1978 Ls, 1) [RRR, O, , IF, B]
Green Enterprise (, L, 2668 Ls, 3 E) [RRR, O, IF, B]
Sargent Arsenal (, L, 2674 Ls, 3 D) [RRR, O, IF, B]

The system name links through to Inara where details of the stations in the system and their facilities can be obtained and also trade opportunities etc. (when it is available). CNB stands for Compromised Navigation Beacon

The source list of Compromised Navigation Beacons is taken from M. Grey's lists Finding Compromised Navigation Beacons and Finding Hazardous Resource Extraction sites. zzUrbanSpaceman has done some great work rechecking all the compromised navigation beacons.

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